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2023-03-10 10:50     (点击:)

[1] Yan, Dan, Xiaojie Liu, XiuPing Hao, and Jinkai Li. "Tracing Environmental Impacts of Grain Losses along the Supply Chain in the North China Plain: An Integrated Framework." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 189 (2023):106771.SCI

[2] Yu, Yue, Tong Niu, Jianzhou Wang, and He Jiang. "Intermittent Solar Power Hybrid Forecasting System Based on Pattern Recognition and Feature Extraction." Energy Conversion and Management 277 (2023): 116579.SCI

[3] Yan D, Liu L, Liu X, Zhang M. Global Trends in Urban Agriculture Research: A Pathway toward Urban Resilience and Sustainability. Land. 2022; 11(1):117.SSCI

[4] Niu T, Li J, Wei W, Yue H. A hybrid deep learning framework integrating feature selection and transfer learning for multi-step global horizontal irradiation forecasting. Appl Energy.2022;326:119964

[5] Du, Xiaoyun, Liyin Shen, Yitian Ren, and Conghui Meng. "A Dimensional Perspective-based Analysis on the Practice of Low Carbon City in China." Environmental Impact Assessment Review 95 (2022): 106768.SSCI

[6] He, Siqi, Wei Wei, Shuangying Ding, Silin Zheng, and Tong Niu. "Coevolution between Science and Policy: A Systematic Analysis on Circular Economy in China and Worldwide." Environmental Science & Policy 139 (2023): 104-17.SCI

[7] Lu S, Bai X, Zhang J et al. Impact of virtual water export on water resource security associated with the energy and food bases in Northeast China. Technol Forecast Soc Change. 2022;180:121635

[8] Jiaqian Wu,Jinkai Li*,Yu Chen,Lean Yu.Wu J, Chen Y, Yu L, Li J. Coupling effects of consumption side renewable portfolio standards and carbon emission trading scheme on China's power sector: A system dynamic analysis. J Clean Prod. 2022;380:134931SCI

[9] Chai, Shanglei, Ke Zhang, Wei Wei, Wenyuan Ma, and Mohammad Zoynul Abedin. "The Impact of Green Credit Policy on Enterprises' Financing Behavior: Evidence from Chinese Heavily-polluting Listed Companies." Journal of Cleaner Production 363 (2022): 132458.SCI

[10] Wei P, Peng Y, Chen W. Climate change adaptation mechanisms and strategies of coal-fired power plants. Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Chang. 2022;27(8)SCI

[11] Zou, Wenbo, Wei Wei, Shuangying Ding, and Jianhong Xue. "The Relationship between Place Attachment and Tourist Loyalty: A Meta-analysis." Tourism Management Perspectives 43 (2022): 100983.SSCI

[12] Tian, Chaonan, Tong Niu, and Wei Wei. "Volatility Index Prediction Based on a Hybrid Deep Learning System with Multi-objective Optimization and Mode Decomposition." Expert Systems with Applications 213 (2023): 119184. Web.SCI

[13] Tian, Chaonan, Tong Niu, and Wei Wei. "Developing a Wind Power Forecasting System Based on Deep Learning with Attention Mechanism." Energy (Oxford) 257 (2022): 124750.SCI

[14] Dan Yan, Litao Li, Jinkai Li, Jiaqian Wu, Wei Qin, Saskia E. Werners. Are the planning targets of liquid biofuel development achievable in China under climate change? Agricultural Systems, 2021. 186.8. (SCI, JCR Q1)

[15] Zheng Pen*, Li Jinkai, Wang Jiejie, Cheng Hui, Wang Qianwen. The coupling coordination of relationships between tourism destination image and product country image. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2021. 23(5): p. 858-870.(SSCI, JCR Q2)

[16] Yang Pu, Mi Zhifu*, Coffman D'Maris, Cao Yun-Fe, Yao Yun-Fei, Li Jinkai*. The impact of climate risk valuation on the regional mitigation strategies [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021. 313. 6.(SCI, JCR Q1/top, 通讯作者)

[17] Jin Zhang, Lianrui Ma*, Jinkai Li*.Why Low-Carbon Publicity Effect Limits? The Role of Heterogeneous Intention in Reducing Household Energy Consumption. Energies, 2021, 14, 7634. 7.

[18] Rauf A, Liu X, Amin W, Li J, et al. Does sustainable growth, energy consumption and environment challenges matter for Belt and Road Initiative feat? A novel empirical investigation[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020: 121344. (SCI一区)

[19] Jinkai Li, Gang Lu, Tong Niu, et al. Developing an online air quality warning system based on streaming data for dynamic environmental management. 2020, 273.SCI一区)

[20] Jinkai Li, Oluwasola E. Omoju, Jin Zhang, etal. Does intellectural property rights protection constitute a barrier to renewable energy? An econometric analysis, National Institute Economic Review. (2020)SSCI

[21] Omoju O E, Li J, Zhang J, et al. Implications of shocks in energy consumption for energy policy in sub-Saharan Africa[J]. Energy & Environment, 2020, 31(6): 1077-1097.(SSCI)

[22] Zhenling Chen,Jinkai Li,Weigang Zhao,Xiao-Chen Yuan,Guo-liang Yang. Undesirable and desirable energy congestion measurements for regional coal-fired power generation industry in China[J]. Energy Policy,2019,125.(SCI一区)

[23] Abdul Rauf, Jin Zhang, Jinkai Li, et al. Structural changes, energy consumption and Carbon emissions in China: Empirical evidence from ARDL bound testing model. 2018.

[24] Li J, Zhang J*, Gong L, et al.The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Coal Resource and its Utilization inChina — Based on Space Exploration Analysis Technique Esda [J]. Energy &Environment, 2015, 26(6-7):1099-1114. (SSCI)

[25] Bo Shen*, Girish Ghatikar, ZengLei, Jinkai Li*, Greg Wikler, Phil Martin. The role of regulatory reforms,market changes, and technology development to make demand response a viableresource in meeting energy challenges. Applied Energy, 2014, 130: 814–823.(SCI一区)

[26] Ling Tang, Jiaqian Wu, LeanYu*, Qin Bao. Carbon allowance auction design of China's emissions tradingscheme: A multi-agent-based approach [J]. Energy Policy, 2017, 102: 30-40. (SCI一区&SSCI)

[27] Ling Tang, Jiaqian Wu, Lean Yu,Qin Bao*. Carbon emissions trading scheme exploration in China: Amulti-agent-based model [J]. Energy Policy, 2015, 81: 152-169. (SCI一区&SSCI,“ESI高被引论文“ESI热点论文”)

[28] Shen Bo, Wang Jian, LiMichelle, Li Jinkai*, Price Lynn, Zeng Lei. China's approaches to financingsustainable development: policies, practices, and issues.WIREs Energy Environ.2013, 2: 178–198    (Top12 Articles in 2012-2014 Years of WilleyPress in Energy)

[29] Lin, B. Q., Omoju, O. E.,Okonkwo, U. J.. Factors influencing renewable electricity consumption in China.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 55, 687-696. (SCI一区)

[30] Lin, B. Q., Omoju, O. E.,Okonkwo, U. J.. Impact of industrialisation on CO2 emissions in Nigeria.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 52, 1228-1239. (SCI一区)

[31] Lin, B. Q., Omoju, O. E.,Okonkwo, U. J.. Will disruptions in OPEC oil supply have permanent impact onthe global energy market? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 52,1312-1321. (SCI一区)

[32] Xi Ji, Zhanming Chen, JinkaiLi*. Embodied energy consumption and carbon emissions evaluation for urbanindustrial structure optimization. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2014, 8(1):32-43 (SCI/SSCI)

[33] Yan D, Yao M T, Huang H Q,Kabat P, Hutjes R, Ludwig F, Werner S E. Exploring future water shortage in thePearl River Basin, China under different water allocation strategies. WaterResources Management,2018 , 32 (Part B) :1-16. (SCI二区)

[34] Yan D, Schneider U A, SchmideE, Huang H Q, Pan L H, Dilly O. Interactions between land use change andclimate change in the Poyang Lake area from 1985 to 2035. Agricultural Systems,2013, 119:10-21. (SCI一区)

[35] Lin B, Liu W. Estimation ofenergy substitution effect in China's machinery industry--based on thecorrected formula for elasticity of substitution [J]. Energy, 2017, 129: 246-254.(SCI一区)

[36] Jinkai Li,,Jin Zhang,LiutangGong,Pei Miao. Research on the Total Factor Productivity and Decomposition ofChinese Coastal Marine Economy——Based on DEA-Malmquist Index, Journal ofCoastal Research,2015,NO.73,pp 283-289. (SSCI/SCI)

[37] Kuo-Cheng Kuo,Jinkai Li*(通讯),HaoWang.Energy and environmental policies in China and Taiwan.  EnergySources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy. 2017.Nov 10:1-4.SSCI/SCI

[38] Yan D, Huang H Q, Ludwig, F,Werners, S E, Many-objective Robust Decision Making for Water Allocation underClimate Change. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 607-608: 294-303. (SCI二区)

[39] Yan D, Werners, S E, Huang HQ, Ludwig, F. Identifying and assessing robust water allocation plans fordeltas under climate change. Water Resources Management, 2016, 30 (14),5421–5435. (SCI二区)

[40] Liu W, Lin B. Analysis ofenergy efficiency and its influencing factors in China's transport sector [J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 170: 674-682.(SCI二区)

[41] Lin B, Liu W. Scenario Predictionof Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions in China’s Machinery Industry [J].Sustainability, 2017, 9(1): 87.(SSCI)

[42] Lin, B. Q., Omoju, O. E.. Doesprivate sector investment in the transport sector mitigate the environmentalimpact of urbanisation? Evidence from Asia. Journal of Cleaner Production,2017, 153, 331-341. (SCI二区)

[43] Lin, B. Q., Omoju, O. E.,Nwakeze, N. M., Okonkwo, U. J., Megbowon, E. T.. Is the environmental Kuznetscurve hypothesis a sound basis for environmental policy in Africa? Journal ofCleaner Production, 2016, 133, 712-724. (SCI二区)

[44] Lin, B. Q., Omoju, O. E..Focusing on the right targets: Economic factors driving non-hydro renewableenergy transition. Renewable Energy, 2017, 113, 52-63.SCI二区)

[45] Chen J F, Wei W, Guo C H, etal. Textual analysis and visualization of research trends in data mining forelectronic health records. Health Policy & Technology, 2017.SSCI

[46] Wei W, Guo C H, Chen J F, etal. CCODM: conditional co-occurrence degree matrix document representationmethod. Soft Computing, 2017(5):1-17.SCI二区)

[47] J.K. Li, J. Zhang, Z. H. Gao,Q. Chen, Z. X. Liu, An evaluation system of ecology-safe andenvironment-friendly society - green production system[J]. B. C.Communications, SI(H), (pp. 107– 112) 2017SCI

[48] Li J, Gong L, Ji X, et al.Development paths of China's agricultural Pharmaceutical industry underEco-agriculture background.[J]. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,2014, 27(4 Suppl):1049-1055. SCI

[49] Lean Yu, Wei Dai, Ling Tang*,Jiaqian Wu. A hybrid grid-GA-based LSSVR learning paradigm for crude oil priceforecasting [J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2016, 27(8):2193-2215. SCI

[50] J.K. Li, J. Zhang, Z. H. Gao,Q. Chen, Z. X. Liu, An evaluation system of ecology-safe and environment-friendlysociety-green production system[J]. B. C. Communications, SI(H),2017,July.pp107-11. (SCI)

[51] Li J, Zhang J, Chen Q. PathChoice of Developing Bio-energy while Keeping Food Security ---a GeneralEquilibrium Model [J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105:3485-3492.

[52] Jinkai Li, Liutang Gong, XiJi, Jin Zhangand Pei Miao, Development paths of China's agriculturalPharmaceutical industry under Eco-agriculture background[J] Pak. J. Pharm.Sci., Vol.27, No.4, July 2014, pp.1049-1055   SCI

[53] Jinkai Li, Zihan Gao, JinZhang and Pei Miao Issues of the MedicalSystem Reform in Chinese Traditional Rural. Journal of Investigative MedicineVolume 62, Number 8 Supplement, December 2014. (SCI)

[54] Yao M T, Yan D, Huang H Q,Kabat P, Hutjes R, Werner S E. Analysing monthly sectorial water use and itsinfluence on salt intrusion induced water shortage in urbanized deltas.Sustainable Cities and Society, 2016, 26: 255-263. (SCI)

[55] Yan D, Werners, S E, Ludwig,F, Huang H Q. Hydrological response to climate change: The Pearl River, Chinaunder different RCP scenarios. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 2015,4B: 228–245. (SCI)

[56] Li J, Zhang J, Chen Q. PathChoice of Developing Bio-energy while Keeping Food Security ---a GeneralEquilibrium Model [J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105:3485-3492. (EI)

[57] Jinkai Li, Liutang Gong,Zhenling Chen, Jin Zhang*. The Hierarchy and Transition of Urban EnergyEfficiency: A case study of China's environmental protection model cities.Energy Procedia, July.30, 2016(104):110-117. (EI)

[58] Jinkai Li,Bo Shen,Jin Zhang,Pei Miao, Yafeng Han, China's Industrial Energy Intensity: Regional Differencesand Influencing FactorsJournal of AppliedScience,2013, Vol 13(No 17): 3604-3607. (EI)

[59] Jinkai li, Bo shen, Jin Zhang,Pei Miao, Dingyan Cai and Xiangying Fu,Characteristics and Application ofDistributed Energy and Micro Grid: Based on Information Technology, InformationTechnology Journal,2013,Vol 12(No 19):5231-5237. (EI)

[60] Miao, P., Li, Jin, K., Koyama,M. Analysis of Resent Trend of China’s Regional Inequality[J]. InternationalJournal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management,2013,2(10). (EI)

[61] Li Yang,Li Song,Jinkai LiApplicationof Entropy-weight Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method in Post SafetyCompetency Appraisal of Special Operation Staff in Coal Enterprises, Journal ofSoftware.2012.10( Vol 7)2217-2222 (EI)

[62] Li Song, Li Yang, Jing Han,Jinkai Li, A Bayesian Belief Net Model to evaluating Organizational SafetyRisks,, Journal of Computer, 2011.9(Vol 6): 1842-1846. (EI)

[63] Zishu Wang, Jiarui Shi, WeiDai, Jiaqian Wu, Ling Tang. Clean Energy Consumption Forecast Based on GA-LSSVRHybrid Learning Paradigm[C]//Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering(BIFE), 2013 Sixth International Conference on. IEEE, 2013: 139-142. (CPCI)

[64] Wei W, Guo C H, Chen J F, etal. Textual topic evolution analysis based on term co-occurrence: a case studyon the government work report of the state council (1954-2017) [C]. The 12thinternational conference on intelligent systems and knowledge engineering (ISKE2017), 1-6. EI

[65] Yan D, Huang H Q, Liu G H, PanL H, and Liu Z J. A multi-agent model for simulating regional land-use changewith an application to the Poyang Lake area of China. Journal of Resources andEcology, 2012, 3(4): 349-358.[CSCD]

[66] Omoju, O. E. (2015).Effectiveness of clean coal technologies in global carbon emission mitigation:Evidence and summary. TEMTI Series of Economic Perspectives on GlobalSustainability, EP 01-2015, International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

[67] Omoju, O. E., Abraham, T. W..Youth bulge and demographic dividend in Nigeria, African Population Studies,2014, 27(2), (Supplement on Nigeria Population and Development Issues),352-360.

[68] Ogbonnaya, U. M., Omoju, O.E.. Third world and the crisis of identity, Journal of Peace and DevelopmentStudies, 2013, 1(2), 98-104.

[69] Ogujiuba, K., Omoju. O. E.. Isgrowth in Nigeria inclusive? A co-integration analysis, InterdisciplinaryJournal of Economics and Business Law, 2013, 2(4), 8-29.

[70] Ogujiuba, K. and Ezema, B.,Omoju, O. E.. Medium term expenditure and fiscal management in Nigeria: Areview of the (2005-2008) framework, Journal of Economics and BehavioralStudies, 2013, 5(5), 291-306.

[71] Ogujiuba, K., Ogbonnaya, M.,Omoju. O. E.. A review of the role of the executive and the legislature infiscal policy management in Nigeria, Nigeria Journal of Legislative Affairs,2013, 5(1), 58-81.

[72] Saibu, O. M., Omoju, O. E.,Nwosa, P.. Trade openness and the dynamics of poverty and unemployment inNigeria: A multivariate co-integration analysis, Nigeria Journal of Economicsand Social Studies, 2013, 54(3), 367-388.

[73] Omoju, O., Adesanya, O.,Udefuna, P., Asogwa, C., Omoju, E.. Child labour and issues of vulnerabilityamong Nigerian children. Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Research and DevelopmentPerspectives, 2013, 2(1), 225-235, University of Calabar, Nigeria.

[74] Ogbonnaya, U. M., Omoju, O.E., Udefuna, N. P.. Challenges of democratic governance in Nigeria in thefourth republic, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2012, 3(11),685-693.

[75] Omoju, O. E., Babatunde, K.A., Oladunjoye, N. O., Adesanya, O. O. (2012). Foreign debt and economic growthin Nigeria, The Indian Economic Journal, 2012, 60(1), 155-164.

[76] Omoju, O. E., Adesanya, O. O..Does trade promote growth in developing countries? Empirical evidence fromNigeria, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2012, 1(3),743-753.

[77] Ogujiuba, K., Ogbonnaya, M.,Omoju. O. E.. Food security, policies and institutions in Africa: Prospects fora revolution, Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 2012, 33(4),87-115.

[78] Ogujiuba, K., Stiegler, N.,Omoju. O. E.. Policy variables and economic growth in South Africa,Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2012, 3(11), 647-658.

[79] Nwakeze, N., Omoju, O. E..Population growth and savings in Nigeria, American International Journal ofContemporary Research, 2011, 1(3), 144-150.

[80] Bo ShenJinkaiLi(通讯),ChinaEnergy Efficiency Star Evaluation Metrics and Rating Scheme/中国能效之星评价指标体系设计(20123-4月)

[81] Lynn PriceBoShenJinkai Li 2020RoadmapStrategic Analysis of China’sLong-term Future Industrial Development Paths and Industrial Energy EfficiencyImprovement Trends, Issues, and Gaps/2020年路线图:中国工业发展路径与工业能效提升战略研究(20125-6月)

[82] Jinkai Li(通讯),BoShenElectricity Distribution IndicatorDesign in Region and Enterprises in China/中国地区之间和企业之间电力分配指标体系设计(20121-4月)

[83] Jinkai Li(通讯),BoShenOrderly Power UtilizationIndicatorDesign and Power Gap Distribution/有序用电方案:指标体系设计与限电分配方案(20121-4月)

[84] 李金铠,李海丹,闫丹.黄河流域中心城市高质量发展测度与时空预测分析[J].生态经济,2022,38(06):92-101.

[85] 李金铠,汪文翔,孟慧红,魏伟.生态承载力视角下黄河流域开发区演变趋势及产业集聚特征研究[J].人民黄河,2022,44(08):109-113+118.

[86] 魏伟,李永胜,程逍,孙立时,朵向阳,吴卓青.基于多视角网络融合的典型用电负荷模式挖掘[J].沈阳工业大学学报,2022,44(03):248-254.

[87] 邹文博,薛建红,魏伟.基于互联网数据的酒店竞争力评价及其空间格局研究——以成都市高端酒店为例[J].西安理工大学学报,2022,38(01):58-68.DOI:10.19322/j.cnki.issn.1006-4710.2022.01.008.

[88] 黄真辉,魏伟,孟慧红.生态环境-区域经济-公共服务协同影响下的黄河流域旅游高质量发展研究[J].西安理工大学学报,2022,38(03):311-326.DOI:10.19322/j.cnki.issn.1006-4710.2022.03.002.

[89] 任浩科,魏伟,汪克会.新冠疫情影响下宁夏旅游流网络结构演化研究[J/OL].干旱区地理:1-14[2023-02-19].http://h-p.kns.cnki.net.zzulib.vpn358.com/kcms/detail/65.1103.x.20220726.1454.002.html.

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[95] 陈真玲,赵伟刚,李金铠.中国制造业能源拥挤效应研究:基于RAM-DEA模型的分析[J].系统工程理论与实践,2019,39(07):1831-1844.

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[113] 李金铠.建设绿色低碳能源体系的突破路径[N]. 河南日报,2017-10-11(010)

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