Hansen defined accessibility as “the potential of opportunities for interactions” in 1959. It measures the ease of reaching various destinations including residences, workplaces, services, amenities and so on. Governments implement various land use and transportation policies to facilitate the interactions between people and firms. Accordingly, accessibility plays a fundamental role in affecting how individuals and households choose their residential locations and activity destinations, and where firms choose to establish their businesses. These choices in turn influence the performance of land use and transportation systems.
During the past several decades, government policies in many countries have gradually evolved from automobile-centered mobility planning toward accessibility-oriented planning. However, because different governments prioritize different goals towards sustainability, accessibility planning has been operationalized differently in different parts of the world. In addition, the influences of accessibility on individuals’ choices and firms’ choices are also evolving over time, partly because of the deeper penetration of the internet and shared mobility in the 21st century. Autonomous vehicles are also likely to change the meanings and perceptions of accessibility, and the strategies for accessibility planning.
This special issue will be a collection of high-quality papers on accessibility and related issues. It welcomes original research, reviews, and short communications on the following topics:
● Accessibility, travel behavior and/or associated environmental outcomes
● Accessibility and location choices of individuals or firms
● Accessibility and land development
● Accessibility planning for sustainability (economic development, environment, and environmental justice)
● Innovative policies towards accessibility planning
● Accessibility measurements in the new era
Make sure that your paper has implications for transport and environment. We expect that research worldwide will offer a critical guide on planning and policy effort for accessibility.
The full paper is due October 15, 2019. You are welcome to submit your papers after November 1, 2018.
This issue will be a virtual special issue. It means that your paper will appear in the next regular issue after it is accepted. After all papers are accepted, guest editors will compile a virtual issue on the journal website.
For an example of virtual issues, visit https://www.journals.elsevier.com/applied-soft-computing/news/virtual-special-issue-vsi-introduction
All submissions must be original and may not be under review by any other journals. All manuscripts will be submitted via the Transportation Research Part D (TRD) online submission system. Authors should indicate that the paper is submitted for consideration for publication in this special issue. Author Guidelines: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/transportation-research-part-d-transport-and-environment/1361-9209/guide-for-authors
When choosing Manuscript “Article Type” during the submission procedure, click “SI: Accessibility”, otherwise your submission will be handled as a regular manuscript.
All submitted papers should address significant issues pertinent to the themes of this issue and fall within the scope of Transportation Research: Part D. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, and scientific merit. All manuscripts must be written in English with high scientific writing standards.
Acceptance for publication will be based on referees’ and editors’ recommendations following a standard peer review process.
An accompanying workshop is planned to be held at Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School in Spring 2019. In addition to possible publication in the special issue, if you are also interested in participating in the workshop, please send an abstract of up to 500 words to guest editors by March 1, 2019. We will inform you our decision and time of the workshop by March 15, 2019.
If your paper is an empirical study, the abstract should address the following questions:
What is the issue addressed and why is it important?
What gaps or misunderstandings in the literature does the research fill or correct?
How was the research conducted?
What are the research findings?
What are the conclusions for policy or practice and/or the implications for further research?
All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of guest editors:
Jiawen Yang, yangjw@pkusz.edu.cn
Jason Cao, cao@umn.edu